Search engine optimization is one of the most popular ways to promote a website. Google controls 92% of the global search engine market. Keeping up with this number is crucial to your website’s success, because its design is geared toward providing the best user experience. The best way to achieve this goal is to create great content and share it widely. The best way to do this is to implement knowledge management strategies that span websites, campaigns, and social media properties.
SEO practices are also geared toward the dominant search engines in your target market. Market shares of the top search engines vary across countries, but Google holds a dominant position in the US and in Europe. As of July 2008, Google had a 91.8% share in Germany. In 2006, there were over 300 SEO firms in the US. In the UK, Google held a nearly ninety percent share of all searches. In June 2008, Google had a 94% market share in the UK and Germany.
SEO techniques are tailored to the most popular search engines in the target market. The dominant search engine will vary from country to country. In 2003, Google accounted for 75% of global searches. In 2007, Google held a market share of 85-90% in Germany. In June 2008, Google occupied over 90 percent of the market in the UK. As of 2006, there were nearly hundreds of SEO firms in the US. This trend indicates that the demand for SEO skills will continue to rise.
When preparing a new business, it is advisable to implement both SEM and SEO. Both are necessary for the success of your website. A lack of a coherent strategy may make SEO a poor launch strategy for a new business. In the US, however, SEO is the most effective and cost-effective way to promote a site. While SEM is a good complement to SEM, it should not be relied upon as a standalone strategy.
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While SEM is more effective for a new business, it’s not a good launch strategy. For an established company, SEO is an effective way to promote your website and increase traffic. It is an essential part of the marketing strategy. In the US, it is estimated that over 90% of searches are done using Google. In the UK, Google holds the number one spot in the market. Similarly, in the UK, there are hundreds of SEO firms in the country.
SEO techniques target the dominant search engines in the target market. While there are hundreds of SEO companies in the US, only Google has a majority of the market there. As of June 2008, there were fewer than 100 SEO companies in the country. By contrast, Google commanded a 79.7% share of searches in the UK. Its dominance is still increasing and remains unrivaled worldwide. This means that there are many opportunities for SEO professionals.